Cleat-Mate Marine Ratchet System
Cleat-Mate was created as a result of an experience Jerry Hinz had at his local marina. An older gentleman slipped and fell off a dock and because of his size was unable to get himself back out of the water and onto the dock. Without the quick thinking of Jerry and an assist from a younger and stronger individual, this situation could have turned out very differently. Shortly after this took place, Jerry had an epiphany and Cleat-Mate was born.
While there is no device or system that is 100% we feel Cleat-Mate is an excellent choice in using mechanics to retrieve someone or something from the water; safely & securely.
Check out our videos, demonstrating how this ingenious device utilizes existing hardware on your vessel to achieve the desired result!
Dinghy Retrieval System
Use CLEAT-MATE to take the strain off of your body and use mechanical leverage to safely and securely transition your dinghy from water to swim platform. CLEAT-MATE'S ratcheting system makes it easy without requiring stress and strain on a person's back, arms & legs.
Person Retrieval System
CLEAT-MATE was developed as a device to be utilized in pulling a person from water to the safety of a vessels swim platform and rear ladder in the event of a fall overboard. Even a smaller person can be very difficult to pull from the water from a standing position on a boat's swim platform. CLEAT-MATE uses leverage to assist in getting a person to safety when seconds count. Our video demonstrates how this is facilitated.
Cleat-Mate with Retriever & Ice Plate
The Ice plate combined with the Cleat-Mate and Retriever is the perfect safety device for ice fishermen and winter sportsmen.